Artist Manuel Solano in Conversation with Nick Koenigsknecht, Gallerist, Peres Projects.

Produced on the occasion of Artissima XYZ

Manuel Solano’s (b. 1987, Mexico City) work is made from memory, a memory that holds images from the time before they became blind due to an HIV-related infection at the age of 26. Solano developed strategies to carry on with their work, like using their hands or relying on audio descriptions made by friends and assistants. Solano’s best-known works are their striking and expressive paintings, which are mostly disguised self-portraits in which pop-culture references and affective memories from their Mexican upbringing meet elements of their daily life as a blind transgender with Aids now living in Berlin.
– Fernanda Brenner, Ilaria Gianni 

Here, you can visit Peres Projects solo booth featuring Manuel Solano at Artissima