Our Space to Help
Our Space to Help, an extensive act of solidarity at the Neue Nationalgalerie, was organized by various Berlin art institutions in order to help Ukrainian refugees on March 5 & 6. Together with approximately 7.000 visitors, they raised nearly 250.000 euros.
100% of the donations go directly to the Berlin based organization Be an Angel e.V. They will support refugees arriving in Berlin, the trans- portation of refugees from the Republic of Moldova and medical supplies to Kyiv and Odessa. Be An Angel e.V. and the Neue Nationalgalerie keep calling for donations at:
Be an Angel e. V.
Donation code: #kunst4ukraine
Bank account 014 522 59 00
Bank code 100 708 48 (Deutsche Bank) IBAN DE37100708480145225900

Initiated by Klaus Biesenbach, director of the Neue Nationalgalerie, in close cooperation with the artists Anne Imhof and Ólafur Elíasson, the Mies van der Rohe pavilion of the Neue Nationalgalerie, turned into a space of vigil and solidarity for 36-hours. From Saturday, March 5 through Sunday, March 6, 2022, any Berlin residents and artists participated in the open stage, among them Clemens Schick, Florian Illies, Prem Krishna- murthy, Luki von der Gracht, Ariel Reichmann, Christina Seifert, Margret Köll, GUSH (Steven Warwick & Iván Brito), Lars Eidinger, and Herbert Grönemeyer.
Our Space to Help was organized by a collective of Berlin art institutions, including Berlin Biennale für zeitgenössische Kunst, Gabriele Horn; Gal- lery Weekend Berlin, Maike Cruse; Akademie der Künste, Jeanine Mee- rapfel, Johannes Odenthal; Berlinische Galerie, Thomas Köhler; Brücke Museum, Lisa Marei Schmidt; Gemäldegalerie, Dagmar Hirschfelder; C/O Berlin, Stefan Erfurt; Haus am Waldesee, Anna Gritz; Ifa-Galerie, Inka Gressel, Susanne Weiß, Alya Sebti; Kolbe Museum, Julia Wallner; Kunst- bibliothek, Moritz Wullen; Kunsthaus Dahlem, Dorothea Schöne; Kupfer- stichkabinett, Dagmar Korbacher; KW Institute for Contemporary Art Ber- lin, Krist Gruijthuijsen; Martin Gropius-Bau, Stephanie Rosenthal; nGbK, Annette Maechtel; n.b.k., Marius Babias; Palais Populaire, Svenja von Reichenbach, Sara Bernshausen; Schinkel Pavillon, Nina Pohl; Stiftung St. Matthäus, Hannes Langbein, Universität der Künste Berlin, Nobert Palz sowie; Alte Nationalgalerie, Ralph Gleis, Neue Nationalgalerie, Klaus Biesenbach, Joachim Jäger; Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegen- wart – Berlin, Till Fellrath, Sam Bardaouil, Gabriele Knapstein; Freunde der Nationalgalerie, André Odier, Katharina von Chlebowski.