The Noa Eshkol 
Chamber Dance Group

25 August 2023, 7:30 PM 
27. August 2023, 2 PM

KW Institute for Contemporary Art

From 1951 to 1956, following her return to Israel on the heels of a five-year course of expressionist-dance studies in England, Eshkol devised Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation along with architect Avraham Wachman. Published in 1958 as the book “Movement Notation,” the pair’s treatise outlined a new, unprecedented system for recording motion by way of an interdisciplinary, universally applicable structure. It was to transcend dance or the human form, moving beyond these boundaries to prioritize the articulation of appendages and extremities regardless of arrangement, composition or intention. Eshkol and Wachman laid the foundations for their notation, defining a schematic for all bodies, standardizing the properties of limbs and dividing all movement into three distinct categories, expounding on each with scientific precision. With these in place, the two detailed the construction of written manuscript pages – grid-like matrices that placed bodies and time in explicit relation – and supplemented them with diagrams by designer, theorist and performer John Harries, illustrating what they dubbed the System of Reference.


Eshkol’s choreographic work is showcased in a performance by the Noa Eshkol Chamber Dance Group at KW Institute for Contemporary Art on August 25 and 27. In early 2024, the institution and Berlin’s Georg Kolbe Museum will reissue Eshkol and Wachman’s “Movement Notation” for the first time since its initial release. In March of 2024, the Georg Kolbe Museum opens a solo exhibition on Eshkol’s choreographic legacy, presented alongside and in dialogue with her wall carpets.

Simultaneously, neugerriemschneider will present “movement notations”, the fifth solo exhibition on the life and work of dance composer and textile artist Noa Eshkol, opening on 26 August 2023, in occasion of the Berlin Art Week and fall edition of Gallery Weekend Berlin at the gallery’s Linienstrasse location – Check it out!