Franziska Holstein
New Works

Opening – 26 APR 2024, 6-9 pm

Franziska Holstein, o.T. (M2), 2024
Acryl auf Leinwand
140 x 100 cm
Fotograf: Uwe Walter

Portraitfoto Franziska Holstein, 2019
Foto: Inga Kerber

We are pleased to open the third solo exhibition of Leipzig-based artist Franziska Holstein (*1978) as part of Gallery Weekend Berlin. Following her extensive solo exhibition at the Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal last year, the artist has been working on a series of new canvases, wall paintings and wall works made of wood, which she will be exhibiting in her exhibition “New Works” at Galerie Friese from April 27. Franziska Holstein’s oeuvre is the result of a practical and intellectual exploration of color and form. With the greatest consistency, she has developed her own canon of colors and color combinations, forms and working methods over the years, which she uses playfully. The processual aspect of her working method – the systematic and intuitive exploration of color tones and compositional possibilities of her own formal vocabulary – remains visible in her works: through thick layers of paint that reveal underlying colors on the sides of the canvases or through schematic outlines of previous compositions. Her works interact with each other intensively – either by existing as part of larger groups of works or through open compositional, formal or color references to one another. These relationships are the focus of the exhibition.

Franziska Holstein, o.T. (13/20), 2024
Motiv aus der Publikation „o.T. (19, 8 und 20)“
Erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung im Lubok Verlag, Leipzig 2024

Franziska Holstein, o.T. (14/20), 2024
Motiv aus der Publikation „o.T. (19, 8 und 20)“
Erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung im Lubok Verlag, Leipzig 2024