Sophie Utikal
In Transitions
13 FEB until 06 APR

With ‘In Transitions’, her second solo show for Ebensperger, textile artist Sophie Utikal shows new autofictional works based on physical transitions that accompany pregnancy. In hand-sewn snapshots she tells how the familiar dissolves into a body that feels more supernatural day by day.
“Sophie Utikal leaves it open to the viewer whether the descriptions and symbols are assigned or interpreted as universally valid carriers. She does not prescribe which cultural imprint and which knowledge is used to perceive her works. She simply opens up worlds with which the viewer of the works can then become mentally and emotionally pregnant. An invitation to experience and explore physical knowledge. Pregnancy as a transcendent moment between different realities of life and cultural imprints. The experience that the artist offers us is not determined by the capital and material experiences of our narrow cultural framework, but goes beyond it. It is an invitation to a fundamental understanding: every being, we, in the state of pregnancy, are closest to a collective and comprehensive emphatic being. Our most primal being. The moment of emergence.”
Ruby Jana Sircar in Moments of self-realisation on Sophie Utikals work.

Sophie Utikal, See Me Through, 2023
Cotton and polyester mix, hand sewn textil collage with silk thread 180 x 370 cm
©Ludger Paffrath, Courtesy Ebensperger

Sophie Utikal, Horizons Dissolved. 2023
Cotton and polyester mix, hand sewn textil collage with silk thread 154 x 121 cm
©Ludger Paffrath, Courtesy Ebensperger

Sophie Utikal, Following your promises, 2023
Cotton and polyester mix, hand sewn textil collage with silk thread 137 x 166.5 cm
©Ludger Paffrath, Courtesy Ebensperger