Agnes Scherer
Savoir Vivre


Opening—16 February 2024, 5 to 8 PM

17 February until 30 March 2024

Gallery One


Agnes Scherer, Installation view of Savoir Vivre, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberger, 2023, Photo by Tanja Meißner, Courtesy of the Artist, ChertLüdde, Berlin

Agnes Scherer (1985, Germany) creates complex pictorial work in her practice by drawing from analyses of art history, anthropology, and cultural history. For her upcoming exhibition, Scherer transformed the gallery into a medieval jousting tournament in order to problematize the persistence of the competition within heteronormative, role-based practices like “courtly love”. Complete with Papier-mâché horses, hollow puppet-like spectators and a new series of paintings, Scherer pierces through practices of patriarchal society to expose concepts of love and acts of environmental exploitation dating back to the Middle Ages. 


Rosemary Mayer
You can't pin down a flower for very long

Opening—16 February 2024, 5 to 8 PM

17 February until 30 March 2024

Gallery Two


Rosemary Mayer in her studio, ca. 1975, Courtesy of the Estate of Rosemary Mayer and ChertLüdde, Berlin

Rosemary Mayer (1943–2014, New York) was an artist involved in the New York art scene from the late 1960s, whose work encompasses writing, drawing, installation, and sculpture that explore themes of temporality, history and biography.  This exhibition gathers a selection of largely unseen drawings, watercolors, and photographs of flowers, which were a lifelong subject for Mayer and deeply connected to her practice. Anticipating the spring, the exhibition also hosts revival of Mayer’s temporary sculpture Roses, from her series of Ghosts, which she made in 1980-1981.

Theresa Weber
Universe Of The Hybrids

Opening—16 February 2024, 5 to 8 PM

17 February until 30 March 2024



Theresa Weber, From The One To The Universe, 2022, Silicone, acrylic paste, resin, mosaic stones, artificial nails, pearls, synthetic hair, clips, corals on wood board, 160 × 200 cm, Photo by Abdpollah Nafisi, Courtesy of the Artist and BUNGALOW/ChertLüdde, Berlin

Theresa Weber (1996, Dusseldorf) lives and works in North Rhine-Westphalia and London. Through multi-disciplinary installations and collaborative performances, she seeks to question existing power hierarchies and fixed categorizations. With a dynamic approach, her works often refer to existing mythologies and historical research fields that communicate through dense collages and sculptural networks. In Universe Of The Hybrids, the artist transforms Bungalow into a cosmos of unfixed and ever-changing identities around Afro-German history— from Beethoven to the mythical hybrids of the Spinx.