Jochen Lempert
Ankunft der Mauersegler: 26.4.2024

Opening – 26 APR 2024, 6-9 pm

Jochen Lempert
AnkunftderMauersegler, 2024
© Jochen Lempert, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
Courtesy BQ, Berlin

For Gallery Weekend 2024, BQ presents the solo show Ankunft der Mauersegler: 26.4.2024 [Arrival of the swifts:
26.4.2024] by photographer Jochen Lempert (*1958, lives and works in Hamburg). At the end of April, just in time for Gallery Weekend, the swifts arrive after a nine-month continuous flight from Africa and announce the coming summer with their loud srih-srih chirping and acrobatic flight pirouettes…

Jochen Lempert tracks nature’s traces. The behavior and qualities of clouds, migrating birds, mushrooms, spiderwebs
and occasionally people are observed and juxtaposed in imagery that draws on Lempert’s background in biology and
his investigation of life and matter. His analog black and white photos on baryta paper, are far from being mere
“nature studies,” they are evidence of an artistic sensibility compelled to wrest order from circumstance, and, through
the control of variation, focus, scale, and exposure, to make of this order something enchanting.